Temporary border crossing opened at MIND Kragujevac Airport

Source: N1 Sunday, 08.09.2024. 14:13
Illustration (Photo: Shutterstock/ID1974)Illustration
The temporary border crossing at the MIND Kragujevac Airport, which is located within the MIND Park, has been opened to the end of inciting economic, tourism, cultural and overall development of the Sumadija District, the City of Kragujevac and the MIND Kragujevac Airport itself.

The Administration for the Affairs of the City Organs has announced that the City of Kragujevac “successfully combines its history with modern development, and the already well-established events on an international framework record an increasing number of visits from abroad, as well as inquests for direct individual arrivals by own aircraft, both for visiting this region and for the purpose of a transit through Kragujevac.”

The users of the airport will have international flights to the countries of the region, which will promote the city of Kragujevac and the entire Sumadija Disctrict, and the MIND Kragujevac Airport would enable the quickest form of a direct international communication and contribute to the development of a stimulating environment and a sustainable future of the MIND Park, the city of Kragujevac and the entire Sumadija District, the press release says.

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